


Class that provides functionality to export the SVG display from the Canvas Component to image files.

The following code, is almost entirely authored by Nikita Rokotyan, and it is used and slightly modified here under the provision given as published under an MIT License. You can get the original code directly from bl.ocks, on the following link:




Static appendCSS
appendCSS(cssText: , element: )
Parameters :
Name Optional
cssText no
element no
Returns : void
Static contains
contains(str: , arr: )
Parameters :
Name Optional
str no
arr no
Returns : boolean
Static getCSSStyles
getCSSStyles(parentElement: )
Parameters :
Name Optional
parentElement no
Returns : string
Static getSVGString
getSVGString(svgNode: any)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
svgNode any no
Returns : string
Static svgString2Image
svgString2Image(svgString: , width: , height: , format: , callback: )
Parameters :
Name Optional
svgString no
width no
height no
format no
callback no
Returns : void
Static svgString2Pdf
svgString2Pdf(svgString: , width: , height: )
Parameters :
Name Optional
svgString no
width no
height no
Returns : void
import * as jsPDF from 'jspdf';

import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';

 * Class that provides functionality to export the SVG display from the Canvas
 * Component to image files.
 * The following code, is almost entirely authored by Nikita Rokotyan, and it is
 * used and slightly modified here under the provision given as published under
 * an MIT License. You can get the original code directly from bl.ocks, on the
 * following link:
export class Extras{

  public static getSVGString( svgNode: any ):string {
  	svgNode.setAttribute('xlink', '');
  	var cssStyleText = this.getCSSStyles( svgNode );

  	this.appendCSS( cssStyleText, svgNode );

  	var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
  	var svgString = serializer.serializeToString(svgNode);
  	svgString = svgString.replace(/(\w+)?:?xlink=/g, 'xmlns:xlink='); // Fix root xlink without namespace
  	svgString = svgString.replace(/NS\d+:href/g, 'xlink:href'); // Safari NS namespace fix
    return svgString;

	public static getCSSStyles( parentElement ) {
	  var selectorTextArr = [];

    // Add Parent element Id and Classes to the list
		selectorTextArr.push( '#' );
		for (var c = 0; c < parentElement.classList.length; c++)
			if ( !this.contains('.'+parentElement.classList[c], selectorTextArr) )
				selectorTextArr.push( '.'+parentElement.classList[c] );

	  // Add Children element Ids and Classes to the list
	  var nodes = parentElement.getElementsByTagName("*");
	  for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
		  var id = nodes[i].id;
		  if ( !this.contains('#'+id, selectorTextArr) )
			  selectorTextArr.push( '#'+id );

		  var classes = nodes[i].classList;
		  for (var c = 0; c < classes.length; c++)
			  if ( !this.contains('.'+classes[c], selectorTextArr) )
				  selectorTextArr.push( '.'+classes[c] );

    // Extract CSS Rules
	  var extractedCSSText = "";
	  for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++) {
		  var s = document.styleSheets[i] as CSSStyleSheet;

		  try {
		    if(!s.cssRules) continue;
		  } catch( e ) {
	      if( !== 'SecurityError') throw e; // for Firefox

		  var cssRules = s.cssRules;
      for (var r = 0; r < cssRules.length; r++) {
			  // if ( this.contains( (cssRules[r] as CSSStyleRule).selectorText, selectorTextArr ) )
				  extractedCSSText += cssRules[r].cssText;

    return extractedCSSText;

	public static contains(str,arr): boolean {
    // var tokens: string[] = str.split(" ");
		return arr.indexOf( str ) === -1 ? false : true;

  public static appendCSS( cssText, element ) {
	  var styleElement = document.createElement("style");
	  styleElement.innerHTML = cssText;
	  var refNode = element.hasChildNodes() ? element.children[0] : null;
	  element.insertBefore( styleElement, refNode );

  public static svgString2Image( svgString, width, height, format, callback ) {
	  var format = format ? format : 'png';
    var imgsrc = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'+ btoa( unescape( encodeURIComponent( svgString ) ) ); // Convert SVG string to data URL

	  var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
	  var context = canvas.getContext("2d");

	  canvas.width = width;
	  canvas.height = height;

	  var image = new Image();
	  image.onload = function() {
		  context.clearRect ( 0, 0, width, height );
      // draw a white background
      context.fillRect  ( 0, 0, width, height );

      context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);

        canvas.toBlob( function(blob) {
  			  // var filesize = Math.round( blob.length/1024 ) + ' KB';
  		 	  if ( callback ) callback( blob );//, filesize );

	  image.src = imgsrc;

  public static svgString2Pdf(svgString, width, height){
    var imgsrc = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,'+ btoa( unescape( encodeURIComponent( svgString ) ) ); // Convert SVG string to data URL
    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
	  var context = canvas.getContext("2d");

	  canvas.width = width;
	  canvas.height = height;

	  var image = new Image();
	  image.onload = function() {
		  context.clearRect ( 0, 0, width, height );
      // draw a white background
      context.fillRect  ( 0, 0, width, height );

      context.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);

      var imgData = canvas.toDataURL("image/jpeg", 1.0);

      var doc = new jsPDF("p", "mm", "a4");
      var pdfHeight: number = doc.internal.pageSize.getHeight() -20;
      var pdfWidth: number = width*pdfHeight/height;

      doc.addImage(imgData, 'JPEG', 10, 10, pdfWidth, pdfHeight);"graph.pdf");
    image.src = imgsrc;


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