


Component definition


selector app-root
styleUrls app.component.css
templateUrl ./app.component.html




Public onChangeCutoff
onChangeCutoff(id: number)

Handle the change in the cutoff for a single Dendrogram.

The change in the cutoff implies changing the amount of nodes that can take part of the matching routine, thus in turn it calls for an update on the node's labels, and an update on the cluster matching calculation.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
id number no

The index of the Dendrogram whose cutoff was changed

Returns : void
Public onChangeHighlightType
onChangeHighlightType(type: string)

Handle the changing of higlighting options for edges in matching sub- clusters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
type string no

The type of edge highlighting selected by the user

Returns : void
Public onChangeMatchType
onChangeMatchType(type: number)

Handle changes in the type of sub-cluster marches that should be displayed by the application.

Since the matching routine is based on the names of the internal nodes of the Dendrogram structure, the first step into updating the display is to re-name the nodes. Then, clusters matches are re-calculated anf finally displayed.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
type number no

The type of matching strategy selected by the user

Returns : void
Public onChangeSampleSize
onChangeSampleSize(size: number)

Handle the change in sample size for cluster matching.

The sample size tells the application the minimum number of leaves a node has to have in order to be classified as non-trivial for the matching algorithm.

When considered trivial, a node will not be included in the matching routine, and thus will not be paired to a similar node in a different structure, even if it meets the currently selected criteria for such match to occur.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
size number no

The new size for sample, that should be used when calculating matching nodes across Dendrogram structures

Returns : void
Public onFlipDendrogram
onFlipDendrogram(id: number)

Handle the horizonal flip of a single Dendrogram display.

Dendrograms are usually shown with their root node at the left-end of the display, and the leaves at the right-end. But in order to facilitate the visual inspection of cluster matches, the user is allowed to flip this visualization, making the leaves display at the left-end, and the root at the right-end.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
id number no

The index of the Dendrogram the user has selected to flip

Returns : void
Public onLoadDendro
onLoadDendro(file: any)

Handle the loading of a Dendrogram structure and its display.

Dendrograms need to be stored on text files, following the Newick (or New) Hampshire) format.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
file any no

The file object where the Dendrogram is stored, supplied by the user

Returns : void
Public onRemoveDendro
onRemoveDendro(id: any)

Handle the removal of a Dendrogram from the display.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
id any no
Returns : void
Public onSavePDF
onSavePDF(event: any)

Handle the request for saving the current canvas into a PDF file.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any no

The click event generated by the button element of the interface

Returns : void
Public onSavePNG
onSavePNG(event: any)

Handle the request for saving the current canvas into a PNG image.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any no

The click event generated by the button element of the interface

Returns : void
Public onSaveSVG
onSaveSVG(event: any)

Handle the request for saving the current canvas into an SVG image.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any no

The click event generated by the button element of the interface

Returns : void
Public onSortDendro
onSortDendro(id: number)

Handle the request for alphabetically sorting the leaves of a Dendrogram.

Notice that only a best effort will be done to alphabetically sorting the nodes, from top to botton. The sorting is done only by applying rotations to the nodes, whithout changing the structure, and without adding crossing of edges.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
id number no

The index of the Dendrogram selected by the user

Returns : void
Public onToggleDisplayMatches
onToggleDisplayMatches(showMatches: boolean)

Handle the selection to display or hide the matches of cluster across pairs of consecutive Dendrograms.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
showMatches boolean no

An indication on whether the matches should or not be displayed, according to user selection

Returns : void


_canvas: CanvasComponent
Type : CanvasComponent
Decorators : ViewChild

link to the canvas element where the visualization takes place

Private _dendrograms
_dendrograms: Dendrogram[]
Type : Dendrogram[]
Default value : []

The list of dendrograms currently loaded in the application

_interface: InterfaceComponent
Type : InterfaceComponent
Decorators : ViewChild

link to the interface component

Private _title
_title: string
Type : string
Default value : "Dendrogram (Sub)Cluster Match Visualization System"

Title for the Application

import * as d3 from 'd3';

import { ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';

import { Dendrogram } from './dendrogram';
import { Utils } from './utils';
import { Extras } from './extras';
import { ClusterMatchEnum } from './clusterMatchType';
import { CanvasComponent } from './canvas/canvas.component';
import { InterfaceComponent } from './interface/interface.component';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';

 * Component definition
  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
 * Main Application Component
 * Handles the interaction needed between the Interface Component - which
 * provides an interface to the user and captures its interactions; with the
 * Canvas Component - that deals with the display of Dendrograms and the
 * calculation of matches between them.
export class AppComponent {
  /** The list of dendrograms currently loaded in the application */
  private _dendrograms: Dendrogram[] = [];
  /** Title for the Application */
  private _title: string = "Dendrogram (Sub)Cluster Match Visualization System";

  /** link to the canvas element where the visualization takes place */
  @ViewChild('canvas', {static: false}) _canvas: CanvasComponent;
  /** link to the interface component */
  @ViewChild('interface', {static: false}) _interface: InterfaceComponent;

   * Handle the changing of higlighting options for edges in matching sub-
   * clusters.
   * @param {string} type The type of edge highlighting selected by the user
  public onChangeHighlightType(type: string): void{

   * Handle changes in the type of sub-cluster marches that should be displayed
   * by the application.
   * Since the matching routine is based on the names of the internal nodes of
   * the Dendrogram structure, the first step into updating the display is to
   * re-name the nodes. Then, clusters matches are re-calculated anf finally
   * displayed.
   * @param {number} type The type of matching strategy selected by the user
  public onChangeMatchType(type: number): void{
    // depending on the type of cluster matching algorithm, we change the
    // parameters used for the label generation
    // Isomorphic - keep struct.: true;  keep duplicates: true
    // Rearranged - keep struct.: false; keep duplicates: true
    // Contained  - keep struct.: false; keep duplicates: false
    var keepStructure: boolean = (type === ClusterMatchEnum.BIOISOMORPHIC) ? true : false;
    var keepDuplicate: boolean = (type === ClusterMatchEnum.CONTAINED) ? false : true;
    for(var i:number = 0; i<this._dendrograms.length; ++i){
      this._dendrograms[i].setLabels(keepStructure, keepDuplicate);
    // update the list of cluster matches that we need to display
    // redraw the scene to reflect changes

   * Handle the change in the cutoff for a single Dendrogram.
   * The change in the cutoff implies changing the amount of nodes that can take
   * part of the matching routine, thus in turn it calls for an update on the
   * node's labels, and an update on the cluster matching calculation.
   * @param {number} id The index of the Dendrogram whose cutoff was changed
  public onChangeCutoff(id: number):void{
    var type: number = this._interface.getMatchType();
    console.log("changecutoff matchtype?:", type);
    var keepStructure: boolean = (type === ClusterMatchEnum.BIOISOMORPHIC) ? true : false;
    var keepDuplicate: boolean = (type === ClusterMatchEnum.CONTAINED) ? false : true;

    this._dendrograms[id].setLabels(keepStructure, keepDuplicate);

    // update the list of cluster matches that we need to display
    // redraw the scene to reflect changes

   * Handle the change in sample size for cluster matching.
   * The sample size tells the application the minimum number of leaves a node
   * has to have in order to be classified as non-trivial for the matching
   * algorithm.
   * When considered trivial, a node will not be included in the matching
   * routine, and thus will not be paired to a similar node in a different
   * structure, even if it meets the currently selected criteria for such match
   * to occur.
   * @param {number} size The new size for sample, that should be used when
   * calculating matching nodes across Dendrogram structures
  public onChangeSampleSize(size: number): void{
    // Update the list of matches, using the new size for trivial nodes
    // redraw the scene to reflect changes

   * Handle the horizonal flip of a single Dendrogram display.
   * Dendrograms are usually shown with their root node at the left-end of the
   * display, and the leaves at the right-end. But in order to facilitate the
   * visual inspection of cluster matches, the user is allowed to flip this
   * visualization, making the leaves display at the left-end, and the root at
   * the right-end.
   * @param {number} id The index of the Dendrogram the user has selected to flip
  public onFlipDendrogram(id: number): void{

   * Handle the loading of a Dendrogram structure and its display.
   * Dendrograms need to be stored on text files, following the Newick (or New)
   * Hampshire) format.
   * @param {file} file The file object where the Dendrogram is stored, supplied
   * by the user
  public onLoadDendro(file: any): void{

    // title for the new dendrogram and initialization of a new instance
    var fileName: string;
    fileName =;
    fileName = Utils.rsplit(fileName, ".", 1)[0];
    var d: Dendrogram;
    d = new Dendrogram(fileName);

    // url object for file reading and processing
    var url = URL.createObjectURL(file);
    var self = this;
    // define a variable that can be uses to exchange data between the page
    // and the server
    var rqst = new XMLHttpRequest();
    // request the files"GET", url);
    // since the loading of the files is performed asynchronously by AJAX, we
    // wait for both to be ready before performing the callback. Since loading
    // of either file finishes first, we when the 'second' loading finishes
    rqst.onreadystatechange = function() {
      // rqst DONE and status OK
      if (rqst.readyState == 4 && rqst.status == 200) {
        var info = rqst.responseText.trim();
        // remove first and last parenthesis and semicolon at the end of line
        info = info.substring(1,info.length-1);

        // loading the text file into a hierarchical structure for D3 involves
        // two stages: parsing into a suitable object structure
        var dendro = Utils.parsePhylogramTree(info, "r");
        // and create a hierarchical layout for d3

        // post-processing of the dendrogram structure
        d.getRoot().count();  // calculates the # of children each node has
        d.initLeafCount(); // initialize the number of leaves in the dendrogram
        d.setDistance(); // calculate the distance from each node to its leaves
        d.setLeafLabels(); // modify the label of leaves

        // assign labels to internal nodes
        var type: number = +self._interface.getMatchType();
        var keepStructure: boolean = (type === ClusterMatchEnum.BIOISOMORPHIC) ? true : false;
        var keepDuplicate: boolean = (type === ClusterMatchEnum.CONTAINED) ? false : true;
        d.setLabels(keepStructure, keepDuplicate);

        // finally, we handle the drawing of the scene
        // add the structure to the list
        // rezize the canvas to accomodate the new struct
        // update all dendro coordinates
        // if needed for display, update list of cluster matches
        if( self._interface.getDisplayMatches ){
        // redraw the whole scene

   * Handle the removal of a Dendrogram from the display.
   * @param {number} index The index of the Dendrogram selected for removal
  public onRemoveDendro(id: any): void{
    this._dendrograms.splice(id, 1);
    this._canvas.updateClusterMatches(this._interface.getSampleSize()); // update list of cluster matches

   * Handle the request for saving the current canvas into a PDF file.
   * @param {any} event The click event generated by the button element of the
   * interface
  public onSavePDF(event: any): void{
    var svg: any = this._canvas.getDisplay();
    var width: number = this._canvas.getWidth();
    var height: number = this._canvas.getHeight();
    var svgString:string = Extras.getSVGString(svg.node());
    // passes Blob and filesize String to the callback
    Extras.svgString2Pdf( svgString, width, height );

   * Handle the request for saving the current canvas into a PNG image.
   * @param {any} event The click event generated by the button element of the
   * interface
  public onSavePNG(event: any): void{
    var svg: any = this._canvas.getDisplay();
    var width: number = this._canvas.getWidth();
    var height: number = this._canvas.getHeight();
    var svgString:string = Extras.getSVGString(svg.node());
    // passes Blob and filesize String to the callback
    Extras.svgString2Image( svgString, 2*width, 2*height, 'png', save );
    function save( dataBlob, filesize ){
      saveAs( dataBlob, "graph.png" );

   * Handle the request for saving the current canvas into an SVG image.
   * @param {any} event The click event generated by the button element of the
   * interface
  public onSaveSVG(event: any): void{
    var svg: any = this._canvas.getDisplay();
    svg.attr("title", "Dendrogram Graph");
    svg.attr("version", 1.1);
    svg.attr("xmlns", "");

    var cssStyleText:string = Extras.getCSSStyles( svg.node() );
    Extras.appendCSS( cssStyleText, svg.node() );

    var blob = new Blob([svg.node().parentNode.innerHTML], {type: "image/svg+xml"});
    saveAs(blob, "graph.svg");

   * Handle the request for alphabetically sorting the leaves of a Dendrogram.
   * Notice that only a best effort will be done to alphabetically sorting the
   * nodes, from top to botton. The sorting is done only by applying rotations
   * to the nodes, whithout changing the structure, and without adding crossing
   * of edges.
   * @param {number} id The index of the Dendrogram selected by the user
  public onSortDendro(id: number): void{

   * Handle the selection to display or hide the matches of cluster across
   * pairs of consecutive Dendrograms.
   * @param {boolean} showMatches An indication on whether the matches should or
   * not be displayed, according to user selection
  public onToggleDisplayMatches(showMatches: boolean): void{

<!--The content below is only a placeholder and can be replaced.-->
<div style="text-align:center">

  <app-interface #interface
  <br />
  <app-canvas #canvas
    [_dendrograms]="_dendrograms" >
Html element
Html element with directive

results matching ""

    No results matching ""