


Class that provides several utility functions to the application.




Static compareNodes
compareNodes(a: any, b: any, property: string)

Compare two nodes, based on the given property, and indicates whether the first is lesser, greater or equal to the second one.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
a any no

The first node in the comparison

b any no

The second node in the comparison

property string no

The particular data field that will be used to compare the first and second node

Returns : number

A number that indicates if the first node is lesser that the second: -1; greater: 1; or equal: 0.

Static count
count(st: string, char: string, start: number)

Count the number of times a particular character appears in a given string.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
st string no

The string where we will look for the character

char string no

The character we are searching for

start number no 0

The position in the string st from where we should start counting. By default, we start from the beginning of the string

Returns : number

A value that indicates the number of times char appears in st, starting from position start

Static hsv2rgb
hsv2rgb(h: number, s: number, v: number)

Given a color, expressed as an HSV tuple, return the same color expressed as an HTML RGB color.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
h number no

The hue of the color

s number no

The saturation of the color, in the range [0,1]

v number no

The value of the color, in the range [0,1]

Returns : string

An html rgb representation of the input color, i.e. a string that follows the convention #RRGGBB

Static parsePhylogramTree
parsePhylogramTree(dendrogram: string, id: string)

In order to use the application, the user needs to load Dendrogram structures from text files written in the Newick (or New Hampshire) format, such as the ones provided by the phylogram package in R. However, in order to use d3's hierarchical properties, we need to parse this text into an object with a JSON-like structure.

We define an "empty" root node for the Dendrogram, and then recursively traverse the text file, searching for children and adding them to the structure.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
dendrogram string no

The contents of the text file used as input for the loadDendrogram routine

id string no

A string that represents the position of the current node within the overall dendrogram structure

Returns : any

A reference to the root of the loaded Dendrogram

Static rotate
rotate(p: number[], rad: number)

Rotate a two-dimensional point, expressed as an X,Y coordinate pair, around Z-axis

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
p number[] no

The point, in two-dimensinoal space, to be rotated

rad number no

The rotation angle, expressed in radians

Returns : number[]

The rotated point, as a two coordinate array

Static rsplit
rsplit(st: string, sep: string, maxsplit: number)

Split an input string into components, starting from the right-most appearance of the separator

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
st string no

The input string

sep string no

The string used as separator

maxsplit number no

The maximum number of components into which the input string is to be splitted

Returns : string[]

An array containing the splitted parts

Static scale
scale(p: number[], s: number[])

Scale a two-dimensional point, expressed as an X, Y coordinate pair.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
p number[] no

The point, in two-dimensional space, to be scaled

s number[] no

A two-dimensional vector with the scale factors for X and Y

Returns : number[]

The scaled point, as a two coordinate array

Static splitIntoChildren
splitIntoChildren(rawTex: string)

The Newick encodes each node whithin the hierarchy as a comma separated, key-value array with the following structure:

[ <node's name> or <list of node's children> : , ...]

If the key is a name, then the current node is a leaf, otherwise, the key represent a list of children for the current node.

The value component represents the distance measured from the current node to its parent node.

A sample string representing a dendrogram is as follows:


Which graphically, we could interpret as:

  |--------------- leaf ADX.x2
  |         0.36
root      |------- leaf ADX.x1
  | 0.16  |
          |  0.36
          |------- leaf ADX.x3

Clearly from the example, only leaf nodes have a name.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
rawTex string no
Returns : string[]

An array of strings, where each item represents a child of the current node. In our example, the return list will have two items: 'ADX.x2':0.5301862 ('ADX.x1':0.3647867,'ADX.x3':0.3647867):0.165399

Notice that the second child is an internal node of the overall dendrogram structure.

Static translate
translate(p: number[], t: number[])

Translate a two-dimensional point, expressed as an X, Y coordinate pair.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
p number[] no

The point, in two-dimensinoal space, to be translated

t number[] no

The translation vector

Returns : number[]

The translated point, as a two coordinate array

import * as jsPDF from 'jspdf';
import * as d3 from 'd3';

import { saveAs } from 'file-saver';

 * Class that provides several utility functions to the application.
export class Utils{

   * Compare two nodes, based on the given property, and indicates whether the
   * first is lesser, greater or equal to the second one.
   * @param {node} a The first node in the comparison
   * @param {node} b The second node in the comparison
   * @param {string} property The particular data field that will be used to
   * compare the first and second node
   * @returns {number} A number that indicates if the first node is lesser that
   * the second: -1; greater: 1; or equal: 0.
  public static compareNodes(a: any, b: any, property: string): number{
    if([property] <[property] )
      return -1;
    if([property] >[property] )
      return 1;
    return 0;

   * Count the number of times a particular character appears in a given string.
   * @param {string} st The string where we will look for the character
   * @param {string} char The character we are searching for
   * @param {number} start The position in the string st from where we should
   * start counting. By default, we start from the beginning of the string

   * @returns {number} A value that indicates the number of times char appears
   * in st, starting from position start
  public static count(st: string, char:string, start: number =0): number{
    var c:number = 0;
    for(var i:number =start; i<st.length; ++i)
      if( st.charAt(i) === char.charAt(0) )
        c += 1;
    return c;

   * Given a color, expressed as an HSV tuple, return the same color expressed
   * as an HTML RGB color.
   * @param {number} h The hue of the color
   * @param {number} s The saturation of the color, in the range [0,1]
   * @param {number} v The value of the color, in the range [0,1]
   * @returns {string} An html rgb representation of the input color, i.e. a
   * string that follows the convention #RRGGBB
  public static hsv2rgb(h: number, s: number, v: number): string{
    /* clamp saturation and value to 1 */
    if( s > 1 ) s = 1;
    if( v > 1 ) v = 1;
    /* storage for the color representation in RGB color space */
    var r: number = 0.0;
    var g: number = 0.0;
    var b: number = 0.0;

    var f, p, q, t;
    var k;
    if (s === 0.0) {    // achromatic case
      r = g = b = v;
    else {    // chromatic case
      if (h === 360.0) h=0.0;
      h = h/60.0;
      k = Math.round(h);
      f = h - (k*1.0);

      p = v * (1.0 - s);
      q = v * (1.0 - (f*s));
      t = v * (1.0 - ((1.0 - f)*s));

      switch (k) {
        case 0:
          r = v;  g = t;  b = p;
        case 1:
          r = q;  g = v;  b =  p;
        case 2:
          r = p;  g = v;  b =  t;
        case 3:
          r = p;  g = q;  b =  v;
        case 4:
          r = t;  g = p;  b =  v;
        case 5:
          r = v;  g = p;  b =  q;

    r = Math.trunc(r*255);
    var rr: string = ("00" + r.toString(16)).slice(-2);
    g = Math.trunc(g*255);
    var gg: string = ("00" + g.toString(16)).slice(-2);
    b = Math.trunc(b*255);
    var bb: string = ("00" + b.toString(16)).slice(-2);
    return "#"+rr+gg+bb;

   * In order to use the application, the user needs to load Dendrogram
   * structures from text files written in the Newick (or New Hampshire) format,
   * such as the ones provided by the phylogram package in R. However, in order
   * to use d3's hierarchical properties, we need to parse this text into an
   * object with a JSON-like structure.
   * We define an "empty" root node for the Dendrogram, and then recursively
   * traverse the text file, searching for children and adding them to the
   * structure.
   * @param {string} dendrogram The contents of the text file used as input for
   * the loadDendrogram routine
   * @param {string} id A string that represents the position of the current
   * node within the overall dendrogram structure
   * @returns {object} A reference to the root of the loaded Dendrogram
  public static parsePhylogramTree(dendrogram: string, id: string): any{
    // the current node is always an empty object (there is no data associated
    // to it) with an empty list of children
    var root: any = {};
    root["children"] = [];

    // given a text representing a dendrogram structure, we identify the nodes
    // that represent a child of the current node in the structure
    var children: string[] = Utils.splitIntoChildren(dendrogram);

    // and we add them to the current structure
    for (var i: number=0; i<children.length; ++i ){
      // we split the text that represent the child into its key-value parts
      var txt: string[] = Utils.rsplit(children[i],':',1);
      var c: number = Utils.count(txt[0],':',1);
      // if no extra separators are found within the key section, then the node
      // is a leaf, and we can simple add it to the structure
      if( c === 0 ){
          // remove single quote mark from name
          "name": txt[0].substring(1,txt[0].length-1),
          "id": id+""+i,
          "distToParent": txt[1]
      // recursively parse the node's children, removing the first and last
      // characters, that should always be '(' and ')' respectively
        var child: string = txt[0].substring(1,txt[0].length-1);
        var o: any = Utils.parsePhylogramTree(child, id+""+i);
        o["distToParent"] = txt[1];
        o["id"] = id+""+i;
    return root;

   * Rotate a two-dimensional point, expressed as an  X,Y coordinate pair,
   * around Z-axis
   * @param {number[]} p The point, in two-dimensinoal space, to be rotated
   * @param {number} rad The rotation angle, expressed in radians
   * @returns {number[]} The rotated point, as a two coordinate array
  public static rotate(p: number[], rad: number): number[]{
    return [ p[0]*Math.cos(rad)-p[1]*Math.sin(rad),
      p[0]*Math.sin(rad)-p[1]*Math.cos(rad) ];

  * Split an input string into components, starting from the right-most
  * appearance of the separator
  * @param {string} st The input string
  * @param {string} sep The string used as separator
  * @param {number} maxsplit The maximum number of components into which the
  * input string is to be splitted
  * @returns {string[]} An array containing the splitted parts
  public static rsplit(st: string, sep: string, maxsplit: number): string[]{
    var parts: string[];
    parts = st.split(sep);
    return maxsplit ? [ parts.slice(0, -maxsplit).join(sep) ].concat(parts.slice(-maxsplit)) : parts;

   * Scale a two-dimensional point, expressed as an X, Y coordinate pair.
   * @param {number[]} p The point, in two-dimensional space, to be scaled
   * @param {number[]} s A two-dimensional vector with the scale factors for X
   * and Y
   * @returns {number[]} The scaled point, as a two coordinate array
  public static scale(p: number[], s: number[]): number[]{
    return [ p[0]*s[0], p[1]*s[1] ];

   * The Newick encodes each node whithin the hierarchy as a comma separated,
   * key-value array with the following structure:
   * [ <node's name> or <list of node's children> : <distance-to-parent> , ...]
   *If the key is a name, then the current node is a leaf, otherwise, the key
   * represent a list of children for the current node.
   * The value component represents the distance measured from the current node
   * to its parent node.
   * A sample string representing a dendrogram is as follows:
   * 'ADX.x2':0.52,('ADX.x1':0.36,'ADX.x3':0.36):0.16
   * Which graphically, we could interpret as:
      |--------------- leaf ADX.x2
      |         0.36
     root      |------- leaf ADX.x1
      | 0.16  |
              |  0.36
              |------- leaf ADX.x3
   * Clearly from the example, only leaf nodes have a name.
   * @param {string} rawText The text that represents the dendrogram rooted at
   * the current node.
   * @returns {string[]} An array of strings, where each item represents a child
   * of the current node. In our example, the return list will have two items:
   * 'ADX.x2':0.5301862
   * ('ADX.x1':0.3647867,'ADX.x3':0.3647867):0.165399
   * Notice that the second child is an internal node of the overall dendrogram
   * structure.
  public static splitIntoChildren(rawTex: string): string[]{
    // initially, the list of nodes to return is empty
    var components: string[] = [];
    // the list of the current node's children is a comma separated string, thus
    // counting them gives an upper bound for the number of children the current
    // node potentially has
    var commas:number = Utils.count(rawTex, ",");
    // we will traverse the word, thus we need to keep track of the index within
    // the rawTex where we currently stand
    var previousIndex:number = 0;

    // for each comma in the rawText, we need to decide if its being used to
    // separate childrens of the current node, or other descendats further down
    // the hierarchy
    while( commas > 0 ){
      // the index within the rawText of the next comma to inspect, if none is
      // found, then simply the end of the string
      var currentIndex:number = rawTex.indexOf(',', previousIndex+1);
      if( currentIndex === -1 ){
        currentIndex = rawTex.length;
      previousIndex = currentIndex;

      // between comma characters, the text will represent a child for the
      // current node only if there is an equal number of open and close
      // brackets (an uneven number means we are standing in a comma within a
      // lower level of the structure). We use this number to identify all
      // children
      var leftBrack: number = Utils.count(rawTex.substring(0,currentIndex),'(');
      var rightBrack:number = Utils.count(rawTex.substring(0,currentIndex),')');
      // if we identify a child (for leaf nodes, left and right brackets are 0)
      if( leftBrack === rightBrack ){
        // we add the corresponding text to the list of children
        components.push(rawTex.substring(0, currentIndex));
        // we remove the partial string from the remainder of the dendrogram
        rawTex = rawTex.substring(currentIndex+1);
        // we initialize the index to search for the next comma character
        previousIndex = 0;
      // we have one less comma character to process
      commas -= 1;
    // if there is any text left, we add it as a child
    if( rawTex !== "" )

    return components;

   * Translate a two-dimensional point, expressed as an X, Y coordinate pair.
   * @param {number[]} p The point, in two-dimensinoal space, to be translated
   * @param {number[]} t The translation vector
   * @returns {number[]} The translated point, as a two coordinate array
  static translate(p:number[], t: number[]): number[]{
    return [ p[0]+t[0], p[1]+t[1] ];


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