


Component Description


OnInit AfterViewInit


selector app-interface
styleUrls interface.component.css
templateUrl ./interface.component.html





Initialize all private variables



Event triggered when the user chooses to change the Highlighting of branches

$event type: EventEmitter

Event triggered when the user chooses to change the matching algorithm for clusters

$event type: EventEmitter

Event triggered when the user chooses a different sample size for its data

$event type: EventEmitter

Event triggered when the user chooses to horizontally flip a specific Dendrogram structure

$event type: EventEmitter

Event triggered when the user chooses to load a new Dendrogram structure

$event type: EventEmitter

Event triggered when the user chooses to remove a Dendrogram from the visualization

$event type: EventEmitter

Event triggered when the user chooses to save the current visualization to a PDF file

$event type: EventEmitter

Event triggered when the user chooses to save the current visualization to a PNG file

$event type: EventEmitter

Event triggered when the user chooses to save the current visualization to an SVG file

$event type: EventEmitter

Event triggered when the user chooses to alphabetically sort the leaves of a particular Dendrogram structure

$event type: EventEmitter

Event triggered when the user chooses to turn on or off the display of lines between matches across different Dendrogram structures

$event type: EventEmitter


Public changeHighlightType
changeHighlightType(event: )

Request the main application to change the type of highlighting used on the branches of matching clusters.

Parameters :
Name Optional
event no
Returns : void
Public changeMatchType
changeMatchType(event: any)

Request the main application to change the type of matching routine used for similar clusters across different Dendrogram structures.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any no

The DOM event that triggered the call

Returns : void
Public changeSampleSize
changeSampleSize(event: any)

Request the application to change the minumum number of leaves a sub-cluster needs to have in order to be considered for matching across Dendrogram structures.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any no

The DOM event generated on user interaction

Returns : void
Public flipDendrogram
flipDendrogram(event: any)

Request the application to horizontally flip the Dendrogram structure selected by the user.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any no

The angular event generated on user interaction

Returns : void
Public getDendrogramsNames

Provide access to the component's list of Dendrogram names, from outside classes.

Returns : string[]

The list of names currently used for each of the clusters in the visualization.

Public getDisplayMatches

Provide access to the flat that indicates whether cluster matches should be displayed by the application or not.

Returns : boolean

True if the matches are to be displayed by the application and false if not

Public getHighlightType

Provide access to the currently selected style of match highlighting, from three available options: None - Highlight is not applied Diff - Different branches of a cluster match are highlighted Simi - Equal branches of a cluster match are highlighted

Returns : string

A string representing the type of highlight that should be done for dendrogram branches that belong to a cluster match, or none in case no highlight has been selected

Public getMatchType

Provide access to the selected matching routine to be used in the process of finding matching clusters across different Dendrogram structures.

Returns : number

An integer value that represents the type of matching strategy. The values returned are taken from the ClusterMatchEnum type.

Public getSampleSize

Provide access to the value of sample size.

Returns : number

The value currently selected as the mimimum number of leaves that a node needs to have in order to be considered non-trivial for the cluster matching routine

goToLink(url: string)
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
url string no
Returns : void
Public loadDendrogram
loadDendrogram(event: any)

Request the main application to load a file containing a new Dendrogram structure for display. Additionally, it adds the name of the file as identifyer to the list of currently loaded structures.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any no

The DOM component that triggered the call to the function

Returns : void

Initialize the attributes of the Interface Component associated with the on screen display

Returns : void
Public removeDendrogram
removeDendrogram(event: any)

Request the main Application the removal of the user selected Dendrogram structure. It also removes the name of such structure from the local list of loaded Dendrograms.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
event any no
Returns : void
Public savePDF
savePDF(event: any)

Request the application to save the current display as a PDF file.

param {object} event The event generated by the user's interaction

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
event any no
Returns : void
Public savePNG
savePNG(event: any)

Request the application to save the current display as a PNG file.

param {object} event The event generated by the user's interaction

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
event any no
Returns : void
Public saveSVG
saveSVG(event: any)

Request the application to save the current display as a PDF file.

param {object} event The event generated by the user's interaction

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
event any no
Returns : void
Public sortDendrogram
sortDendrogram(event: any)

Request the application to apply an alphabetical sorting of the leaves to the user selected Dendrogram structure.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any no

The event generated by the user's interaction

Returns : void
Public toggleDisplayMatches
toggleDisplayMatches(event: any)

Request the application to turn on/off the display of lines representing the match of similar structures across diferent Dendrogram structures.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any no

The event generated by the user's interaction

Returns : void


Private dendrogramNames
dendrogramNames: string[]
Type : string[]

Reference to the Select item in the Template, available for the user to choose an element to remove from the visualization

Private displayMatches
displayMatches: boolean
Type : boolean

flag that indicates whether cluster matches should be displayed or not

Private matchKeys
matchKeys: string[]
Type : string[]

Integer values used to key the different types of match between similar clusters

Private matchLabels
matchLabels: any
Type : any

Name used for each different type of match between similar clusters

Private matchType
matchType: number
Type : number

Currently selected type of match strategy for similar clusters

Private sampleSize
sampleSize: number
Type : number

The minimum number of leaves used by the cluster matching routine

import { Component, EventEmitter, Output, OnInit, AfterViewInit, ElementRef, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { ClusterMatchEnum } from '../clusterMatchType';

 * Component Description
  selector: 'app-interface',
  templateUrl: './interface.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./interface.component.css'],

 * Describe the functionality associated with the handling of the User Interface.
 * In general, we will capture the events triggered by the user through the use
 * of the available interface, and propagate these through to the appropriate
 * handlers in the main application file.
export class InterfaceComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {

  /** Event triggered when the user chooses to change the Highlighting of
   *  branches */
  @Output() changeHighlightTypeEmitter = new EventEmitter<string>();
  /** Event triggered when the user chooses to change the matching algorithm for
   *  clusters */
  @Output() changeMatchTypeEmitter = new EventEmitter<number>();
  /** Event triggered when the user chooses a different sample size for its data */
  @Output() changeSampleSizeEmitter = new EventEmitter<number>();
  /** Event triggered when the user chooses to horizontally flip a specific
   *  Dendrogram structure */
  @Output() flipDendrogramEmitter = new EventEmitter<number>();
  /** Event triggered when the user chooses to load a new Dendrogram structure */
  @Output() loadDendrogramEmitter = new EventEmitter<any>();
  /** Event triggered when the user chooses to remove a Dendrogram from the visualization */
  @Output() removeDendrogramEmitter = new EventEmitter<number>();
  /** Event triggered when the user chooses to save the current visualization to
   *  a PDF file */
  @Output() savePDFEmitter = new EventEmitter<any>();
  /** Event triggered when the user chooses to save the current visualization to
   *  a PNG file */
  @Output() savePNGEmitter = new EventEmitter<any>();
  /** Event triggered when the user chooses to save the current visualization to
   *  an SVG file */
  @Output() saveSVGEmitter = new EventEmitter<any>();
  /** Event triggered when the user chooses to alphabetically sort the leaves of
   *  a particular Dendrogram structure */
  @Output() sortDendrogramEmitter = new EventEmitter<number>();
  /** Event triggered when the user chooses to turn on or off the display of
   *  lines between matches across different Dendrogram structures */
  @Output() toggleDisplayMatchesEmitter = new EventEmitter<boolean>();

  /** Reference to the Select item in the Template, available for the user to
   *  choose an element to remove from the visualization */
  // @ViewChild('removeDendrogramSelect', {static: false}) removeDendrogramSelect: ElementRef;

  /** Reference to the Select item in the Template, available for the user to
   *  choose the type of highlighting to be used on matched Dendrogram clusters.
   *  Takes one of the following values:
   *  none - (no highlight),
   *  diff - (highlight the differences in the branches) or
   *  simi - (highlight the similarities in the branches) */
  // @ViewChild('highlightTypeSelect', {static: false}) highlightTypeSelect: ElementRef;

  /** Reference to the Select item in the Template, available for the user to
   *  horizontally flip a specific Dendrogram structure */
  // @ViewChild('flipDendrogramSelect', {static: false}) flipDendrogramSelect: ElementRef;

  /** the names of the dendrogram structures currently on display */
  private dendrogramNames: string[];
  /** flag that indicates whether cluster matches should be displayed or not */
  private displayMatches: boolean;

  /** Integer values used to key the different types of match between similar
   *  clusters */
  private matchKeys: string[];
  /** Name used for each different type of match between similar clusters */
  private matchLabels: any;
  /** Currently selected type of match strategy for similar clusters */
  private matchType: number;

  /** The minimum number of leaves used by the cluster matching routine */
  private sampleSize: number;

   * Initialize all private variables
   * @constructor
  constructor() {
    // there are no loaded dendrogram structures when the application starts
    this.dendrogramNames = [];
    // cluster matches are shown by default
    this.displayMatches = true;
    // Initially, to be considered non-trivial in terms of cluster matching, a
    // node needs to have at least 3 leaves
    this.sampleSize = 3;

   * Initialize the attributes of the Interface Component associated with the
   * on screen display
  ngOnInit() {
    // the types of matching that can be done between dendrograms is recovered
    // from an enum type
    this.matchLabels = ClusterMatchEnum;
    this.matchKeys = Object.keys(ClusterMatchEnum).filter(Number);
    this.matchType = ""+ClusterMatchEnum.BIOISOMORPHIC;
    this.highlightType = "none";

    // console.log('ngoninit', this.highlightTypeSelect);

   * Request the main application to change the type of highlighting used on the
   * branches of matching clusters.
  public changeHighlightType(event): void{
    console.log("changehighlighttyoe", event);
    // this.changeHighlightTypeEmitter.emit(this.highlightTypeSelect.nativeElement.value);

   * Request the main application to change the type of matching routine used
   * for similar clusters across different Dendrogram structures.
   * @param {object} event The DOM event that triggered the call
  public changeMatchType(event: any): void{

   * Request the application to change the minumum number of leaves a
   * sub-cluster needs to have in order to be considered for matching across
   * Dendrogram structures.
   * @param {object} event The DOM event generated on user interaction
  public changeSampleSize(event: any): void{

   * Request the application to horizontally flip the Dendrogram structure
   * selected by the user.
   * @type {MatSelectChange}
   * @param {MatSelectChange} event The angular event generated on user interaction
  public flipDendrogram(event: any): void{
    // capture the index of the option selected
    let index: number = event.value;
    // return in case undefined is used
    if( index === undefined ) return;
    // trigger the flip of the corresponding element in the parent application
    // reset the selection
    event.source.value = undefined;

   * Provide access to the component's list of Dendrogram names, from outside
   * classes.
   * @returns {string[]} The list of names currently used for each of the
   * clusters in the visualization.
  public getDendrogramsNames(): string[]{
    return this.dendrogramNames;

   * Provide access to the flat that indicates whether cluster matches should be
   * displayed by the application or not.
   * @returns {boolean} True if the matches are to be displayed by the
   * application and false if not
  public getDisplayMatches(): boolean{
    return this.displayMatches;

   * Provide access to the currently selected style of match highlighting, from
   * three available options:
   * None - Highlight is not applied
   * Diff - Different branches of a cluster match are highlighted
   * Simi - Equal branches of a cluster match are highlighted
   * @returns {string} A string representing the type of highlight that should
   * be done for dendrogram branches that belong to a cluster match, or none in
   * case no highlight has been selected
  public getHighlightType(): string{
    return this.highlightTypeSelect.nativeElement.value;

   * Provide access to the selected matching routine to be used in the process
   * of finding matching clusters across different Dendrogram structures.
   * @returns {number} An integer value that represents the type of matching
   * strategy. The values returned are taken from the ClusterMatchEnum type.
  public getMatchType(): number{
    return Number(this.matchType);

   * Provide access to the value of sample size.
   * @returns {number} The value currently selected as the mimimum number of
   * leaves that a node needs to have in order to be considered non-trivial for
   * the cluster matching routine
  public getSampleSize(): number{
    return this.sampleSize;

   * Request the main application to load a file containing a new Dendrogram
   * structure for display. Additionally, it adds the name of the file as
   * identifyer to the list of currently loaded structures.
   * @param {object} event The DOM component that triggered the call to the
   * function
  public loadDendrogram(event: any): void{
    let file: any =[0];
    // trig an event in the main application to load the dendrogram
    // add an option to Remove and Flip selection lists
    // reset the value = "";

   * Request the main Application the removal of the user selected Dendrogram
   * structure. It also removes the name of such structure from the local list
   * of loaded Dendrograms.
  public removeDendrogram(event: any): void{
    // capture the index of the option selected
    let index:number = event.value;
    // return in case an undefined value is to be eliminated
    if (index === undefined) return ;
    // trigger the removal of the element from the parent application
    // remove the option from Remove and Flip select items
    event.source.value = undefined;

   * Request the application to save the current display as a PDF file.
   * param {object} event The event generated by the user's interaction
  public savePDF(event: any): void{

   * Request the application to save the current display as a PNG file.
   * param {object} event The event generated by the user's interaction
  public savePNG(event: any): void{

   * Request the application to save the current display as a PDF file.
   * param {object} event The event generated by the user's interaction
  public saveSVG(event: any): void{

   * Request the application to apply an alphabetical sorting of the leaves to
   * the user selected Dendrogram structure.
   * @param {object} event The event generated by the user's interaction
  public sortDendrogram(event: any): void{
    // capture the index of the option selected
    let index: number = event.value;
    if( index === undefined ) return;
    // trigger the flip of the corresponding element in the parent application
    // clear the option from the component and allow the user to select a
    // different structure to sort
    event.source.value = undefined;

   * Request the application to turn on/off the display of lines representing
   * the match of similar structures across diferent Dendrogram structures.
   * @param {object} event The event generated by the user's interaction
  public toggleDisplayMatches(event: any): void{
    this.displayMatches = event.checked;

  goToLink(url:string){, "_blank");
<mat-toolbar color="primary">
      CLINE: Comparison of bioLogIcal deNdrogram structurEs
    <span class=spaceFiller></span>

      <button mat-icon-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="saveMenu">
      <button mat-icon-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="infoMenu">
      <button mat-icon-button [matMenuTriggerFor]="helpMenu">

<mat-menu #saveMenu="matMenu">
    id = "savePNG"
    (click) = "savePNG($event)"
    <span>Save as PNG</span>
    id = "saveSVG"
    (click) = "saveSVG($event)"
    <span>Save as SVG</span>

<mat-menu #infoMenu="matMenu">
    <span>User Guide</span>
    <span>Sample Data</span>

<mat-menu #helpMenu="matMenu">
    <span>Cline website</span>
    <span>GitHub Repository</span>


  Options related to manipulating the list of dendrograms, or individual
<mat-expansion-panel [expanded]="true">
      Dendrogram Structures
      Load, remove and modify the display of Dendrograms

  <!-- Add a new dendrogram to the visualization -->
  <button mat-button
    <input #fileInput
      style="display: none;"
    Load Dendrogram
  <!-- <br /> -->
  <!-- Remove a dendrogram from the visualization -->
    <mat-label>Remove Dendrogram:</mat-label>
      id = 'removeDendrogramSelect'
      <mat-option *ngFor="let item of dendrogramNames; let i=index;"

  <!-- Horizontally flip the selected dendrogram -->
    <mat-label>Flip Dendrogram:</mat-label>
      <mat-option *ngFor="let item of dendrogramNames; let i=index;"

  <!-- Sort the branches of the selected dendrogram -->
    <mat-label>Sort Dendrogram:</mat-label>
      id = "sortDendrogramSelect"
      <mat-option *ngFor="let item of dendrogramNames; let i=index;"


  Interaction related to the display and selection of cluster matching
<mat-expansion-panel [expanded]="true">
      Cluster Matching
      Enable/Disable display and choose type of cluster matches
  <!-- Toggle on/off the display of lines between matching clusters -->
    id = 'displayMatchesCheckbox'
    [(checked)] = 'displayMatches'
    (change) = 'toggleDisplayMatches($event)'
    Display Cluster Matches
  <br />

  <!-- Choose the type of cluster matching algorithm used by the application -->
    <mat-label>Cluster Match Type:</mat-label>
      <mat-option *ngFor="let key of matchKeys"

  <!-- Choose the highlighting applied to matched clusters -->
    <mat-label>Branch Highlighting:</mat-label>
      <mat-option value="none">None</mat-option>
      <mat-option value="simi">Equal</mat-option>
      <mat-option value="diff">Different</mat-option>
    Choose the minimum of children a node needs to have in order to be
    considered for cluster matching
    <input matInput
      placeholder="Min. cluster size"
    <mat-hint align="start">Only numbers</mat-hint>

Html element
Html element with directive

results matching ""

    No results matching ""