


A dendrogram (from Greek dendro-tree and gramma-drawing) is a tree diagram frequently used to illustrate the arrangement of the clusters produced by hierarchical clustering. Dendrograms are often used in computational biology to illustrate the clustering of genes or samples, sometimes on top of heatmaps. Source: wikipedia




constructor(title: string)

Initialize a new Dendrogram structure, by providing only a name for it. The pointer to the root node is by default initialized to null, the default cutoff distance is set to 1.5, and the flip variable is by default set to false.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
title string no

The name given to the new dendrogram


Private _cutoff
_cutoff: number
Type : number

Cuttof distance, from the leaves, up to which matching nodes are found in in a Dendrogram. Can also be understand as the distance, from the leaves up to which labels for internal nodes will be calculated.

Private _flipped
_flipped: boolean
Type : boolean

Flag that indicates whether the dendrogram should be visualized using a default arrangement (root on the left and leaves on the right), or fliped on its Y-axis (root on the right and leaves on the left)

Private _leafCount
_leafCount: number
Type : number

The number of leaves in the dendrogram

Private _root
_root: any
Type : any

Pointer to the root node withtin the dendrogram's hierarchy

Private _title
_title: string
Type : string

The name used to identify the dendrogram within the visualization


Private _flipXCoordinates
_flipXCoordinates(labelWidth: number)

All nodes in a Dendrogram are initially drawn with the root at the left end of the diagram, and the leaves at the right end.

When set as flipped, the coordinates of each node within the Dendrogram are mirrored, as to display it with its root at the right end, and the leaves at the left end.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
labelWidth number no

The width, measured in screen pixels, reserved for the display of leaves' labels

Returns : void
Private _matchCluster
_matchCluster(node: any, other: Dendrogram, minChildren: number)

For a given node in the Dendrogram, find a matching node within the other Dendrogram.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
node any no

A node in the Dendrogram, for which we are looking matches in the other dendrogram

other Dendrogram no

The second Dendrogram structure

minChildren number no

The minimum number of leaves a node needs to have not to be considered trivial

Returns : any

A list of exactly one ClusterMatch object that contains the given node and the matching node found in the other Dendrogram. If not match was found, a null value is returned.

Private _scaleXCoordinates

Nodes are not equally distributed along the X axis, as returned by the hierarchization arrangement of D3, but they are at specific distances from eachother, as result of the original clutering analysis. This function shifts the nodes positions, along the X axis, in order to properly display such information.

Returns : void
Public findMatchingClusters
findMatchingClusters(node: any, other: Dendrogram, minChildren: number)

Given a node (representing a whole sub-tree in the structure) of the Dendrogram, search for a matching node within the other Dendrogram structure. When no matching node is found, recursively search for matches among the children of the current node.

minChildren indicates the minimum number of children that the current node has to have in order to search for matches. This is used to avoid searching for trivial (leaves) matches.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
node any no

A node in the Dendrogram we are trying to match within the other Dendrogram

other Dendrogram no

The Dendrogram where we will try to find matching nodes

minChildren number no 3

The minimum amount of descendats the given node has to have, before being considered a trivial cluster

Returns : any

A list of ClusterMatch objects, representing the matching of the given node (or its descendants) to nodes within the other Dendrogram. If no match is found for the given node or any of its descendats, a null value is returned

Public flipYNode
flipYNode(node: any)

Given a node in the Dendrogram, do a vertical flip of all of its children.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
node any no

The node in the Dendrogram whose children are to be flipped

Returns : void
Public getCutoff

Provide access to the cutoff distance.

Returns : number

The cuttoff distance set for this Dendrogram.

Public getFlipped

Provide access to the flipped state of the Dendrogram.

Returns : boolean

Whether the Dendrogram should be displayed using a default or flipped layout

Public getLeafCount

Provide access to the number of leaves the dendrogram has.

Returns : number

The number of leaves of the dendrogram

Public getRoot

Provide access to the root of the Dendrogram.

Returns : any

The pointer to the root node of the Dendrogram

Public getTitle

Provide access to the name of the Dendrogram.

Returns : string

The title of the Dendrogram

Public initLeafCount

Initialize the value of leafCount.

Returns : void
Public setCutoff
setCutoff(cutoff: number)

Modify the cutoff distance of this Dendrogram.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
cutoff number no

The new cutoff distance

Returns : void
Public setDistance

Initinally, nodes only contain incremental information regarding the distance at which they stand from their parent. This is stored in field distToParent, within the node's data. Using this method, we add information to each node on the absolute distance from itself to its leaves.

Returns : void
Public setLabels
setLabels(keepStructure: boolean, keepDuplicates: boolean, separator: string)

Our matching algorithm works under the assumption that only leaves in the original Dendrogram representation have a label. Under this assumption, we define the labels for the internal nodes of the Dendrogram, in a way that allows us to reduce the problem of finding matching nodes across different structure, to compare their respective labels.

The labels for each internal node are defined in a way that, depending on user selection, retain information on the children of the node, their organization, and whether they are repeated or not.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
keepStructure boolean no true

Indicates whether the label should include information regarding the structure of the node's descendants or not

keepDuplicates boolean no true

Indicates whether duplicated names among the current node's children should be included or not on the label. If true, then the name of the repeated child will appear on the label as many times as the children. When set to false, repeated names will appear on the label only once

separator string no "-"

Depending on the selection of the previous flags, the separator will be used as part of the concatenation process used in the definition of the current node's label

Returns : void
Public setLeafLabels
setLeafLabels(trim: boolean, separator: string)

Our algorithm for finding matching nodes (and this clusters) across different Dendrograms is based on the assumption that initially only leaves are given a name. Then, we use this name to assign a label to each node on the Dendrogram, so the required first step for this process, is to assign a label to each leave.

In some biological contexts, the name of the leaves is made out of different components, where the last one, for example, could reference a sample number. Since this information is not necesarily biologically signficant, we add a way to remove the last component of the leave's name before setting it as label.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
trim boolean no true

Indicates whether the last component of the leaf's name should be included or not in the label

separator string no "."

the separator used for trimming the name of the leafs. Default value "."

Returns : void
Public setRoot
setRoot(root: any)

Set the root node for the Dendrogram

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
root any no

A pointer to the root node of the Dendrogram

Returns : void
Public setTitle
setTitle(title: string)

Change the name of the Dendrogram.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
title string no

The new name given to the Dendrogram

Returns : void
Public sort

Automatically sort the nodes of a Dendrogram, based on their label, from top to bottom. Notice that the sorting of nodes retains the structure of the Dendrogram, i.e. the nodes are not moved from one branch of the tree to a different one as part of the sorting procedure.

Returns : void
Public toggleFlipped

Toggle the current value of flipped, i.e. change it to false when the current value is true, and vice-versa.

Returns : void
Public updateCoordinates
updateCoordinates(dx: number, dy: number, width: number, height: number, labelWidth: number)

After loading, the nodes in a Dendrogram are give an initial screen position by the cluster method available on D3 for hierarchical structures. However, this provides a layout of the nodes arranged from top-down of the elements.

Based on a series of parameters, this function applies geometrical transformations on the coordinates that represent the node's positions are made to arrange them appropriately.

We also need to consider the fact that, in the case of displaying more than one Dendrogram structure, from the second structure onwards, we need to add in our calcuation infomration regarding how much each structure is to be displaced, in order to fit the drawing area.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
dx number no

The amount of pixels in X we need to displace nodes

dy number no

The amount of pixels in Y we need to displace nodes

width number no

The width of a dendrogram structure

height number no

The height of a dendrogram structure

labelWidth number no

The amount of pixels used for label display

Returns : void
import * as d3 from 'd3';

import { Utils } from './utils';
import { ClusterMatch } from './clusterMatch'
import { ClusterMatchEnum } from './clusterMatchType'

 * A dendrogram (from Greek dendro-tree and gramma-drawing) is a tree diagram
 * frequently used to illustrate the arrangement of the clusters produced by
 * hierarchical clustering. Dendrograms are often used in computational biology
 * to illustrate the clustering of genes or samples, sometimes on top of heatmaps.
 * Source: wikipedia
export class Dendrogram{

  /** The name used to identify the dendrogram within the visualization */
  private _title: string;
  /** Pointer to the root node withtin the dendrogram's hierarchy */
  private _root: any;
  /** The number of leaves in the dendrogram */
  private _leafCount: number;
  /** Cuttof distance, from the leaves, up to which matching nodes are found in
   *  in a Dendrogram. Can also be understand as the distance, from the leaves
   *  up to which labels for internal nodes will be calculated. */
  private _cutoff: number;
  /** Flag that indicates whether the dendrogram should be visualized using a
  * default arrangement (root on the left and leaves on the right), or fliped on
  * its Y-axis (root on the right and leaves on the left) */
  private _flipped: boolean;

   * Initialize a new Dendrogram structure, by providing only a name for it.
   * The pointer to the root node is by default initialized to null, the default
   * cutoff distance is set to 1.5, and the flip variable is by default set to
   * false.
   * @constructor
   * @param {string} [title=Undefined] The name given to the new dendrogram
  constructor(title: string = "Undefined"){
    // the title or name for the dendrogram
    this._title = title;
    // a pointer to the root or the tree
    this._root = null;
    // the number of leafs in the dendrogram
    this._leafCount = -1;
    // set the default cutoff to 1.5
    this._cutoff = 1.5;
    // flag - whether the dendrogram should be presented with the root on the
    // left side (flip === false), or on the right side (flip === true)
    this._flipped = false;

   * Given a node (representing a whole sub-tree in the structure) of the
   * Dendrogram, search for a matching node within the other Dendrogram structure.
   * When no matching node is found, recursively search for matches among the
   * children of the current node.
   * minChildren indicates the minimum number of children that the current node
   * has to have in order to search for matches. This is used to avoid searching
   * for trivial (leaves) matches.
   * @param {any} node A node in the Dendrogram we are trying to match within
   * the other Dendrogram
   * @param {Dendrogram} other The Dendrogram where we will try to find matching
   * nodes
   * @param {number} minChildren The minimum amount of descendats the given node
   * has to have, before being considered a trivial cluster
   * @return {any} A list of ClusterMatch objects, representing the matching of
   * the given node (or its descendants) to nodes within the other Dendrogram.
   * If no match is found for the given node or any of its descendats, a null
   * value is returned
  public findMatchingClusters(node: any, other: Dendrogram, minChildren: number = 3): any{
    // we start by checking the current node is not a leaf, nor is below the
    // level where it is considered a trivial cluster
    if( node.value < minChildren )
      return null;

    // check if there is a match for node within the other Dendrogram
    var match: any = this._matchCluster(node, other, minChildren);
    // and if not null, return it
    if( match !== null )
      return [match];

    // if nothing is found, then we move down the structure on this dendrogram,
    // and recursively search for matches for all of the current node's children
    var matches: any = [];
    for(var i=0; i<node.children.length; ++i){
      matches = matches.concat(this.findMatchingClusters(node.children[i], other, minChildren));
    // filter out the cases where a match for a particular child was not found
    // (i.e. we obtained a null return within the loop)
    matches = matches.filter( function (n){
      return n !== null ;

    // return the list of all found matches.
    return matches;

   * All nodes in a Dendrogram are initially drawn with the root at the left end
   * of the diagram, and the leaves at the right end.
   * When set as flipped, the coordinates of each node within the Dendrogram are
   * mirrored, as to display it with its root at the right end, and the leaves
   * at the left end.
   * @param {number} labelWidth The width, measured in screen pixels, reserved
   * for the display of leaves' labels
  private _flipXCoordinates(labelWidth: number): void{
    // these are the screen coordinates, over the x-axis of the root and leaves
    var xroot: number = this._root.x;
    var xleaf: number = this._root.leaves()[0].x;

    // traverse the dendrogram modifying the coordinates of each node
      // to flip the nodes, we simply position them at a distance from the root
      // (in pixels) to the right, equal to the distance they had from a leaf
      // to the left. We need to save some space for the node's label.
      node.x = labelWidth + xroot + (xleaf - node.x);
      return node;

   * Given a node in the Dendrogram, do a vertical flip of all of its children.
   * @param {any} node The node in the Dendrogram whose children are to be
   * flipped
  public flipYNode(node: any): void{
    // leaf nodes can't be fliped, so we return
    if (node.value === 1)
    // as with the horizonal flip, vertically fliping the sub-tree changes only
    // Y coordinates of nodes. To do this, and retain the spaced used for the
    // display, we need information on the Y coordinate of the top- and bottom-
    // most nodes in the sub-tree. This nodes will necesarily be leaves
    var leaf: any[] = node.leaves();
    var minY: number = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    var maxY: number = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    // find the maximum and minimum Y coordinates among the leaves of node
      maxY = d.y > maxY ? d.y : maxY;
      minY = d.y < minY ? d.y : minY;
    // change the coordinates of each descendant of node
      d.y = maxY - (d.y - minY);
      return d;

   * Provide access to the cutoff distance.
   * @returns {number} The cuttoff distance set for this Dendrogram.
  public getCutoff(): number{
    return this._cutoff;

   * Provide access to the flipped state of the Dendrogram.
   * @returns {boolean} Whether the Dendrogram should be displayed using a
   * default or flipped layout
  public getFlipped(): boolean{
    return this._flipped;

   * Provide access to the number of leaves the dendrogram has.
   * @returns {number} The number of leaves of the dendrogram
  public getLeafCount(): number{
    return this._leafCount;

   * Provide access to the root of the Dendrogram.
   * @returns {any} The pointer to the root node of the Dendrogram
  public getRoot(): any{
    return this._root;

   * Provide access to the name of the Dendrogram.
   * @returns {string} The title of the Dendrogram
  public getTitle(): string{
    return this._title;

   * Initialize the value of leafCount.
  public initLeafCount():void{
    this._leafCount = this._root.leaves().length;

   * For a given node in the Dendrogram, find a matching node within the other
   * Dendrogram.
   * @param {any} node A node in the Dendrogram, for which we are looking
   * matches in the other dendrogram
   * @param {Dendrogram} other The second Dendrogram structure
   * @param {number} minChildren The minimum number of leaves a node needs to
   * have not to be considered trivial
   * @returns {ClusterMatch} A list of exactly one ClusterMatch object that
   * contains the given node and the matching node found in the other Dendrogram.
   * If not match was found, a null value is returned.
  private _matchCluster(node: any, other: Dendrogram, minChildren: number): any{
    // search for the current object (node) in the other dendrogram
    var found: boolean = false;
    var match: any = null;
      if( found )
        return trgt;
      /* a match exits if the labels of the objective and target node are equal
       * and the number of children of the target node is at least the minimum
       * required not to be considered trivial */
      if(["label"] !== undefined &&
          trgt.value >= minChildren &&
["label"] ===["label"]){
        // do not continue to look in lower levels if I found a match at the
        // current one
        found = true;

        // we identify the nodes in the source and target dendrograms, to later
        // this information to construct the visualization
        match = new ClusterMatch(node, trgt);
    // return either the found match or null (match didn't get modified)
    return match;

   * Nodes are not equally distributed along the X axis, as returned by the
   * hierarchization arrangement of D3, but they are at specific distances from
   * eachother, as result of the original clutering analysis.
   * This function shifts the nodes positions, along the X axis, in order to
   * properly display such information.
  private _scaleXCoordinates(): void{
    var world: number =;
    var pixels: number = this._root.leaves()[0].x - this._root.x;
    var rootx: number = this._root.x;

      node.x = ((world - *  pixels;
      node.x += rootx;
      return node;

   * Modify the cutoff distance of this Dendrogram.
   * @param {number} cutoff The new cutoff distance
  public setCutoff(cutoff: number):void{
    this._cutoff = +cutoff;

   * Initinally, nodes only contain incremental information regarding the
   * distance at which they stand from their parent. This is stored in field
   * distToParent, within the node's data.
   * Using this method, we add information to each node on the absolute distance
   * from itself to its leaves.
  public setDistance(): void{
    // to set the distance, we traverse the tree, using a post-order approach,
    // i.e., we only set the distance for the current node after it has been set
    // for all its children
      // by definition, the distance for a leaf node is 0, d.value indicates the
      // size of the subtree rooted at node d, thus a node with value 1
      // corresponds to a leaf
      if( d.value === 1 ){["distance"] = 0;
        return d;
      // since all leaves are positioned at a 0 distance, the distance from the
      // current node to its leaves can be calculated as the sum of the distance
      // between the node and its first child, and the distance between the first
      // child to a leaf
      var nodeToChild: number = parseFloat(d.children[0].data["distToParent"]);
      var childToLeaf: number = d.children[0].data["distance"];["distance"] = nodeToChild + childToLeaf ;
      return d;

    /* Update the cutoff to be half the distance between the root and the leaves
     * of the Dendrogram */
    this._cutoff =["distance"] / 2;

   * Our matching algorithm works under the assumption that only leaves in the
   * original Dendrogram representation have a label. Under this assumption, we
   * define the labels for the internal nodes of the Dendrogram, in a way that
   * allows us to reduce the problem of finding matching nodes across different
   * structure, to compare their respective labels.
   * The labels for each internal node are defined in a way that, depending on
   * user selection, retain information on the children of the node, their
   * organization, and whether they are repeated or not.
   * @param {boolean} keepStructure Indicates whether the label should include
   * information regarding the structure of the node's descendants or not
   * @param {boolean} keepDuplicates Indicates whether duplicated names among
   * the current node's children should be included or not on the label. If true,
   * then the name of the repeated child will appear on the label as many times
   * as the children. When set to false, repeated names will appear on the label
   * only once
   * @param {string} separator Depending on the selection of the previous flags,
   * the separator will be used as part of the concatenation process used in the
   * definition of the current node's label
  public setLabels(keepStructure: boolean = true, keepDuplicates: boolean = true,
    separator: string="-"): void{

    // Copy so that we can access this object from within the anonymous function
    var self: any = this;

    // we traverse the tree using post-order, thus defining the current node's
    // label only after all of its children's labels have already been set

      // leaf nodes already have a label
      if( d.value === 1 )
        return d;
      // nodes located at a distance larger than the cutoff, are not required
      // to have a label
      if(["distance"] > self._cutoff ){["label"] = undefined;
        return d;

      // the label of the current node is based on the name of it's children,
      // thus, the first step is to recover all children's names
      var childNames: string[] = [];
      for( var i: number=0; i<d.children.length; ++i ){
        var name:string = d.children[i].data["label"];
        if( !keepDuplicates ){ // split composite names to later remove
          var s = name.split(separator);
          childNames = childNames.concat(s);

      // since the branch positioning isn't important in our analysis, we first
      // sort the names... this is equivalent to rotate the branches
      childNames = childNames.sort();

      // remove duplicated names from the list if so requested
      if( !keepDuplicates ){
        childNames = childNames.filter(function(item, pos){
          return childNames.indexOf(item) == pos;

      // we concatenate the children's names into a single string, using the
      // defined separator
      var label:string = childNames[0];
      for( var i=1; i<childNames.length; ++i ){
        label += separator;
        label += childNames[i];

      // to keep keepStruct we wrap the name of the node between brackets
      if( keepStructure )
        label = "_"+label+"_";//label = "("+label+")";

      // finally, we assign the composited label to the current node["label"] = label;
      return d;
    }); // eachAfter

   * Our algorithm for finding matching nodes (and this clusters) across
   * different Dendrograms is based on the assumption that initially only leaves
   * are given a name. Then, we use this name to assign a label to each node on
   * the Dendrogram, so the required first step for this process, is to assign a
   * label to each leave.
   * In some biological contexts, the name of the leaves is made out of
   * different components, where the last one, for example, could reference a
   * sample number. Since this information is not necesarily biologically
   * signficant, we add a way to remove the last component of the leave's name
   * before setting it as label.
   * @param {boolean} trim Indicates whether the last component of the leaf's
   * name should be included or not in the label
   * @param {string} separator the separator used for trimming the name of the leafs.
   * Default value "."
  public setLeafLabels(trim: boolean = true, separator: string = "."): void{
    // traverse the dendrogram structure
      if( node.value === 1 ) // the node is a leaf
        if( trim )
["label"] = Utils.rsplit(["name"],separator,1)[0];
["label"] =["name"];
      return node;

   * Set the root node for the Dendrogram
   * @param {any} root A pointer to the root node of the Dendrogram
  public setRoot(root: any): void{
    this._root = root;

   * Change the name of the Dendrogram.
   * @param {string} title The new name given to the Dendrogram
  public setTitle(title: string): void{
    this._title = title;

   * Automatically sort the nodes of a Dendrogram, based on their label, from
   * top to bottom. Notice that the sorting of nodes retains the structure of
   * the Dendrogram, i.e. the nodes are not moved from one branch of the tree to
   * a different one as part of the sorting procedure.
  public sort(): void{
      if ( !== undefined && !== undefined ){
        var result:number =;
        return result;
      return -1;


   * Toggle the current value of flipped, i.e. change it to false when the
   * current value is true, and vice-versa.
  public toggleFlipped(): void{
    this._flipped = !this._flipped;

   * After loading, the nodes in a Dendrogram are give an initial screen
   * position by the cluster method available on D3 for hierarchical structures.
   * However, this provides a layout of the nodes arranged from top-down of the
   * elements.
   * Based on a series of parameters, this function applies geometrical
   * transformations on the coordinates that represent the node's positions are
   * made to arrange them appropriately.
   * We also need to consider the fact that, in the case of displaying more than
   * one Dendrogram structure, from the second structure onwards, we need to add
   * in our calcuation infomration regarding how much each structure is to be
   * displaced, in order to fit the drawing area.
   * @param {number} dx The amount of pixels in X we need to displace nodes
   * @param {number} dy The amount of pixels in Y we need to displace nodes
   * @param {number} width The width of a dendrogram structure
   * @param {number} height The height of a dendrogram structure
   * @param {number} labelWidth The amount of pixels used for label display
  public updateCoordinates(dx: number, dy: number, width: number, height: number,
    labelWidth: number): void{

    // to assign an initial position for all nodes within the dendrogram, we
    // use d3's cluster function
    var cluster: any;
    cluster = d3.cluster()
      .size([height, width]); // cluster function arranges the dendrogram
    cluster(this._root);       // horizontally, so we switch width and height

    // once we have the initial coordinates, we update them in order to
    // visualize the dendrogram vertically and
    // using as much space available
      var p: number[] = [ node.x, node.y ];
      // to place the dendrogram vertically, we rotate it 90 in -Z
      p = Utils.rotate(p, -Math.PI/2);
      // then, we displace it, allong X and Y, to its final position
      p = Utils.translate(p, [dx, dy]);
      // finally, we update the corresponding values of the node
      node.x = p[0];
      node.y = p[1];
      return node;

    // scale the coordinates of nodes to represent the correct distance between
    // nodes, as calculated by the underlying clustering algorithm

    // flip vertically if so specified by the user
    if( this._flipped )

} // class Dendrogram

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